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Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

Robotic partial nephrectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat kidney tumors. This technique allows only the tumor-containing part of the kidney to be removed instead of the entire kidney in diseases such as kidney cancer. This aims to remove the tumorous tissue while preserving kidney function as much as possible. The use of robotic systems increases the surgeon’s precision and allows the operation to be performed with smaller incisions.

What is Robotic Partial Nephrectomy?

Partial nephrectomy is the removal of only the tumorous part of the kidney instead of the entire kidney. This surgical method is preferred when kidney cancer is in the early stages and preserves the healthy part of the kidney while maintaining kidney function.

Robot-assisted surgery is performed using a platform such as the Da Vinci robotic surgery system, which provides the surgeon with a high-resolution 3D image and allows the surgeon to operate delicate surgical instruments using robotic arms.

Why is Robotic Partial Nephrectomy Performed?

Partial nephrectomy is usually performed for tumors smaller than 7 cm and is the preferred method for early stages of kidney cancer. Preserving kidney function is critical to a patient’s long-term health, as problems such as kidney failure can seriously affect their quality of life.

The robot-assisted laparoscopic method allows this surgery to be performed in a less invasive manner. The precision provided by robotic surgical systems helps the surgeon remove only the tumorous tissue and preserve healthy tissue.

Robotic Partial Nephrectomy Procedure

  1. Preparation and Anesthesia:

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The patient is put to sleep and does not feel any pain during the operation.

  1. Opening the Incisions:

Three to five small incisions are made in the abdominal area. The surgeon inserts the robotic arms and camera through these incisions.

  1. Accessing the Kidney with the Robotic System:

The surgeon controls the robotic arms using the Da Vinci robotic surgery system. The surgeon sits at the operating console and directs the instruments by obtaining a 3D image. With the precision provided by the robotic arms, the tissues around the kidney are carefully separated and access is provided to the kidney.

  1. Removal of the Tumor:

The surgeon carefully removes the tumor from the kidney, preserving the rest of the kidney and ensuring that healthy tissue is not damaged.

Blood vessels are temporarily clamped to reduce blood loss and limit blood flow to the kidney.

  1. Repair of the Kidney:

Once the tumor is removed, the surgeon reconstructs the kidney and stitches back the remaining tissue to maintain kidney function.

The blood vessels are opened, allowing blood flow to the kidney again.

  1. Completion of the Surgery:

Once the tumor is removed and the kidney is repaired, the robotic instruments and camera are removed and the incisions are closed.

Advantages of Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

Robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy offers many advantages over traditional open surgery and laparoscopic surgery:

  1. Minimally Invasive Method:

It is done through small incisions, which means less post-operative pain, less scarring, and quicker recovery.

  1. Higher Sensitivity:

The robotic surgical system precisely mimics the surgeon’s hand movements. This allows the surgeon to remove only the tumorous part while preserving the healthy tissue of the kidney.

  1. Three Dimensional Visualization:

Robotic surgical systems, such as the da Vinci, provide the surgeon with a high-resolution, three-dimensional image of the surgical site, allowing for better visibility and precise removal of the tumor.

  1. Less Blood Loss:

Because of the small incisions and precise surgical techniques, blood loss is usually less, reducing the need for blood transfusions.

  1. Preservation of Kidney Functions:

Because only the tumorous part of the kidney is removed, healthy kidney tissue is preserved. This helps maintain the patient’s kidney function in the long term.

  1. Shorter Recovery Time:

Patients generally recover more quickly and have shorter hospital stays than with open surgery. Patients can return to their daily activities within a few weeks.


Disadvantages and Risks of Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

As with any surgical procedure, robot-assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy has some risks and disadvantages:

  1. High Cost:

Robotic surgical systems are costly, which can increase the overall cost of the surgery.

  1. Technical Difficulties:

The surgeon who will perform the robotic surgery must be experienced. For inexperienced surgeons, the operation time may be longer and the risk of complications may increase.

  1. Complications:

Postoperative complications such as urine leakage, damage to blood vessels in the kidney, or infection may occur in rare cases.

  1. Damage to Blood Vessels:

There is a risk of damaging the kidney vessels during surgery, which can lead to serious blood loss, but the precision of robotic surgery minimizes this risk.

Recovery After Robotic Partial Nephrectomy

Recovery after robotic partial nephrectomy is generally quick and comfortable:

  1. Length of Hospital Stay:

Patients usually stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days after surgery, which is a shorter hospital stay compared to open surgery.

  1. Pain:

Because it is a minimally invasive surgery, there is less pain than open surgery. Painkillers are usually sufficient to relieve postoperative pain.

3.Physical Activity:

Patients can usually return to light activities within 2-4 weeks. However, strenuous physical activity and sports should be avoided for a while.

4. Kidney Functions:

Since the healthy part of the kidney is preserved with partial nephrectomy, patients usually continue to have normal kidney function after surgery.

  1. Recovery Time:

Due to the minimally invasive nature of robotic-assisted surgery, recovery time is very rapid. Full recovery usually takes 4-6 weeks.


Robotic partial nephrectomy is a highly effective and minimally invasive method for treating kidney cancer. It helps preserve kidney function by providing surgeons with greater control and precision. It offers less blood loss, faster recovery, and less pain compared to traditional open surgery. However, this method must be performed by experienced surgeons and has some disadvantages, such as high cost.


Robotik parsiyel nefrektomi, böbrek kanserinin tedavisinde son derece etkili ve minimal invaziv bir yöntemdir. Cerrahlara daha fazla kontrol ve hassasiyet sağlayarak, böbrek fonksiyonlarının korunmasına yardımcı olur. Geleneksel açık cerrahiye kıyasla daha az kan kaybı, daha hızlı iyileşme ve daha az ağrı sunar. Ancak, bu yöntemin deneyimli cerrahlar tarafından uygulanması gerekmektedir ve yüksek maliyet gibi bazı dezavantajlar da taşımaktadır.

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