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  1. Prostatitis, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Meeting, 12 April 2013, Adana

  2. Surgical treatment of prostate tumor, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Meeting, 20 December 2013, Mersin

  3. Neurogenic bladder in children, International Young Urologists Association Meeting, 2nd Basic Urodynamics and Pelvic Floor Health Symposium and Course, 24-25 January 2014, Başkent University, Adana

  4. Urinary incontinence and urination disorders seen in the elderly population, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Meeting, 25 April 2014, Adana

  5. Epidemiology, classification and prognostic factors of kidney tumors, Çukurova Urology and Transplantation Association Meeting, 6 June 2014, Adana

  6. Tips & Tricks, 1st Pediatric Urology Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery Course, 11 June 2014, Istanbul

  7. Organ Preserving Approach in Upper Urinary System Tumors, 2nd National Urological Surgery Congress, 05 November 2014, Antalya

  8. Midurethral Slings, 2nd National Urological Surgery Congress, 05 November 2014, Antalya

  9. Urological problems and precautions during pregnancy, Pelvic Floor Diseases, Multidisciplinary Approaches Symposium, 13 March 2015, Adana

  10. Hands on Training – Trainer, “The Urologists of the Future Are Being Trained”, Urological Surgery Association Assistant Training Program, 28-31 May 2015, Istanbul

  11. Upper urinary tract tumors: 2015 EAU update, Association of Urological Surgery Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 13 June 2015, Antakya

  12. Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery: Indications, Limitations and Complications, Association of Urological Surgery Central Black Sea Branch Regional Meeting, 18 September 2015, Samsun

  13. Indications and complications in Flexible URS, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch – Acıbadem University “Flexible Ureterorenoscopy Course”, 17 October 2015, Adana

  14. Urothelial Cancer Training Course, 12th Urooncology Congress, 18-22 November 2015, Antalya

  15. Stone Session Case Reports, 13th Turkish Pediatric Urology Congress, 26-28 November 2015, Antalya

  16. Combination Therapy in BPH with Cases, Association of Urological Surgery Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 16 January 2016, Mersin

  17. Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Indications and Complications, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, 4th Endourological Surgery Course, 25-26 February 2016, Adana

  18. Laparoxopic Live Surgeries, Instructor, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, 4th Endourological Surgery Course, 25-26 February 2016, Adana

  19. Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Course, Instructor, 4th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 3-6 March 2016, Antalya

  20. Laparoscopic Nephrectomy/Heminephrectomy, 4th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 3-6 March 2016, Antalya

  21. Impressions from the Congress “Endoscopy”, 4th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 3-6 March 2016, Antalya

  22. Retrograde surgery in upper urinary tract epithelial tumors, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 23 April 2016, Gaziantep

  23. Basic Principles in Laparoscopic Urology, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, 5th Endourological Surgery Course, 12-13 February 2016, Adana

  24. Mid-Urethra Slings Accompanied by Videos, Çukurova Urology Association Meeting, 25 May 2016, Adana

  25. Endoscopic Management of Upper-Tract Urothelial Tumours, South Eastern European Meeting , 23-24 September 2016, Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina

  26. Medical Treatment for Stress Incontinence, Nobel Pharmaceutical Regional Meeting, 18 October 2016, Adana

  27. Minimally Invasive Urology Course URS (Ultramini URS, Rigid, Flexible), 3rd National Urological Surgery Congress, 2-6 November 2016, Antalya

  28. Minimally Invasive Surgery, 2016 Laparoscopic Impressions from UCD, 3rd National Urological Surgery Congress, 2-6 November 2016, Antalya

  29. Basic Principles in Laparoscopic Urology, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Urology, 6th Çukurova Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Course, 12-13 February 2017, Adana

  30. Pelvic Anatomy in Minimally Invasive Surgery; Robotics & Laparoscopic, Male Anatomy, II. Çukurova Pelvic Floor Diseases Multidisciplinary Approaches Symposium 31 March – 01 April 2017, Adana

  31. Video Carnival, How do I do it? Mid-Urethra Strap Anatomy, II. Çukurova Pelvic Floor Diseases Multidisciplinary Approaches Symposium 31 March – 01 April 2017, Adana

  32. New horizons in overactive bladder: Mirabegron, Association of Urological Surgery Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 27 September 2017, Adana

  33. Stone/Infection EBU question Evaluation, Urological Surgery Association Eskişehir Regional Meeting, 27 October 2017, Eskişehir

  34. Why surgery in locally and locally advanced prostate cancer?, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 16 December 2017, Mersin
  35. Ablation techniques in kidney tumors, 5th Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 1-4 March 2018, Antalya

  36. Video, how I do it: Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy, Adana Regional Meeting, 14-15 April 2018, Adana

  37. Treatment of castration-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer, Urooncology Association, 06 October 2018, Adana

  38. Organ-preserving approach in upper urinary system tumors,  4th National Urological Surgery Congress, 31 October – 4 November 2018, Antalya

  39. Indication in PNL, preoperative planning, 4th National Urological Surgery Congress, 31 October – 4 November 2018, Antalya

  40. Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Course – PNL case discussion (Panelist), 4th National Urological Surgery Congress, 31 October – 4 November 2018, Antalya

  41. Panel: Endoscopic treatment in BPH: Why and with what method do I operate on 80 g prostate? (Moderator), Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 6 December 2018, Adana

  42. Basic Principles in Laparoscopic Urology, 13th Endourological Surgery Course, Çukurova University Faculty of Medicine, 28 March 2019, Adana

  43. Variant Histology and Its Importance in Bladder Cancer?, Urological Surgery Association Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 11 April 2019, Adana

  44. Value-Based Decision-Making for Castrate-Sensitive Prostate Cancer, ASCO DIRECT Highlights Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, Uroonocology Association Meeting, 10-11 May 2019, Ankara

  45. New Horizons in Castration-Sensitive Metastatic Prostate Cancer, Association of Urological Surgery Eastern Mediterranean Branch Regional Meeting, 22 June 2019, Antakya

  46. ARAMIS, LATITUDE, ARCHES, PREVAIL, ENZAMET Studies, Urooncology Association Adana Regional Meeting, 21 September 2019, Adana

  47. Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery Course, Minimally Invasive Urology Association, 12 October 2019, Zonguldak

  48. Setbacks and Operative Solutions (SOS): Radical Cystectomy, Moderator: Aydın Mungan, Panelists: Kamil Çam, Volkan Izol, Ilker Tinay, Society of Urological Surgery in Turkey, 25-26 October 2019

  49. Endourological Practical Training Course, 14th Urooncology Congress, 6-10 November 2019, Antalya

  50. Minimally Invasive Methods in the Treatment and Follow-up of Upper Urinary System Tumors, 6th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 5-8 March 2020, Antalya, Turkey

  51. Laparoscopy Radical Prostatectomy, Semi-Living Surgery, 6th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 5-8 March 2020, Antalya, Turkey

  52. 11th Session, Moderator, 6th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, 5-8 March 2020, Antalya, Turkey

  53. Laparoscopy Radical Prostatectomy, Semi Live Surgical Presentation Videos: Part 1. Selections from the 2020 Minimally Invasive Urology Congress. April 25, 2020, Uropedia Online Interactive Participatory Meeting.

  54. Bleeding in Minimally Invasive Surgery, Moderator, Interactive Webinar Series 2. 24 June 2020 Online Interactive Meeting with Participation.

  55. 5th Urological Surgery Congress cT2N0M0 Radical Cystectomy in Bladder Cancer – I Will Give Adjuvants If Necessary. 7-15 November 2020 Online Interactive Meeting with Participation.

  56. 5th Urological Surgery Congress. Urological Surgery Congress in Urinary System Reconstruction: Laparoscopy/Robot-Laparoscopy. Online Interactive Meeting with Participation

  57. Interdisciplinary Urooncology Surgery in the Treatment of Upper Urinary System Tumors 26-27 December 2020 Online Course.

  58. ASCO DirektTM Highlights 2021 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium- “Deintensification of Management of Low-Risk Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer ” 10-11 September 2021, Ankara

  59. “Minimally Invasive Laboratory”, “Interventional Methods in Overactive Bladder”, Online Meeting 22-SEPTEMBER 2021

  60. We missed the meetings 2, Cytoreductive nephrectomy: To whom? When? Eskişehir Meeting, 9 October 2021, Saturday, Eskisehir.

  61. V. Izol , Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Semi-Living Surgery, 15th Urooncology Congress, within the conference Antalya, Turkey, 10-14 November, 2021

  62. V.Izol Hormonotherapy in prostate cancer. Ücd Eastern Mediterranean Branch and Andrology Working Group Joint Physical Meeting, 25 December 2021, ADANA

  63. Chemoablation via V.Izol Nephrostomy, “Best of AUA-2” meeting, online, 11-12 December 2021

  64. V.İzol, How to Plan and Schedule Cytoreductive Surgery in mRCC (CC and Non-CC) Patients, Renal Cell Cancer Optimal Management Strategy in Our Country, 24 February 2022, ADANA

  65. V.İzol, Rising PSA after curative treatment , UCD Eastern Mediterranean Branch – Hatay Meeting12 March, 2022

  66. V. Izol , Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Live Surgery, 7th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, Antalya, Turkey, March, 2022

  67. V. Izol, Nephroureterectomy Distal End Techniques, Semi-Live Surgeries, 7th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, Antalya, Turkey, March, 2022

  68. V. İzol , Moderation of Paper Session-9, 7th National Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery Congress, Antalya, Turkey, March, 2022

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